Thursday, April 17, 2008


If you are looking to make a list and you dont have an autoresponder I suggest you try timsviralspiral.

Its easy and all you have to do is promote a normal link. Seems like normal list builders rite.

But in timsviralspiral you can rebrand books. They provide you with squeeze pages to promote the books as well. So you can use the book to give it to your friends or as a free gift.

Rebranding books is easy. First you have to read the book then you can rebrand the book. They will give you a form sumbit your affilate ids for those sites so that when someone reads that book they will see your affilate links.
You can also provide an offerpage to which your refferal will be redirected before he can download the book. I suggest you try it.

You can have a refferal level upto 10 levels.
Also there are refferal contests through which you can earn cool prizes

Warning:You will be sent to a page through which you have to download an e-book. You have to download book if you are to get acess. Book is about Internet Riches.
Click here to Join

